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Individual Coaching

& Seminars

Individual Coaching

My general recommendation is for a minimum of 10 coaching sessions over a 3-5 month period. You set the agenda for these zoom calls based on the specific areas you desire to grow and develop as a leader (or personally). Fewer sessions may be negotiated.

Pam has been a gentle, humble and influential person in my life through her coaching. In a time when I was needing direction and going through a major work transition, she was able to listen well and deeply and ask just the right questions. I am grateful for her words, wisdom, insight and most of all, her impact on my life.

- Chris, Leader in a Non-Profit Organization


I conduct dynamic and highly interactive seminars, workshops, and trainings on various leadership topics such as:

Emotional Intelligence

Effective Supervision

The Enneagram & Self-Awareness

Crucial Conversations

The Dependable Strengths

Articulation Process

Moving from Good to Great


Leading from the Strength &

Health of Your Soul

Let's have an initial conversation!

“Embrace what you don’t know in the beginning, because what you don’t know can become your greatest asset. It ensures that you will absolutely be doing things different from everybody else.”

– Sara Blakely

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